Staff & Board of Directors

Gaining Ground is managed by an active Board of Directors whose members represent diverse backgrounds in the arts, business, law, education, human services, public relations, and community activism.

Currently, Gaining Ground has four year-round employees — a farm manager and an assistant farm managerwho direct our farm operations and work directly with volunteers; an executive director, who directs the organization and coordinates fundraising; and a program manager, who supports our volunteer program, recipient program, and community outreachA market manager and three field crew members work seasonally.



Doug Wolcik
Farm Manager

Hannah Lawson
Assistant Farm Manager

Amy Capofreddi
Executive Director

Fan Watkinson
Program Manager


Board of Directors

Sue Mildrum, President
Elisabeth Elden, Vice President
Gary Vilchick, Treasurer
Jen Flint, Secretary

Penny Austen
John Canally
Theresa Cohen
Nina Frusztajer
Bob Gewecke
Jessica Huddy
Lauren McKown
Gretchen Nelson
Joe Rigali, Emeritus
Lucy Rosborough, Emeritus
Linda Booth Sweeney
Polly Vanasse
Lisanne Wheeler