Support Us

Make a donation

Gaining Ground relies on donations from individuals, businesses, civic groups, faith communities, corporations, family trusts, and other grant-giving organizations to ensure our ongoing existence and success. Your contribution enables our program to continue to make an important difference within our community.

Mailing your donation

Send your donation to:
Gaining Ground, P. O. Box 374, Concord, MA 01742

Gaining Ground, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Contribute needed items

Our needs vary throughout the year but our frequent needs include:

  • Scissors
  • Wax boxes
  • Straw baskets
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Vermont garden cart – large
  • Gardening gloves
  • Tarps
  • 8- or 16-oz. Mason jars
  • Firewood
  • Manure

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Buy our Cookbook


The Gaining Ground Cookbook is available at these locations, or contact our office to order it through the mail.

Concord Cookware, 13 Walden Street, Concord MA
Kitchen Outfitters, 342 Great Road, Acton MA

Cover photo by Allie Cottrill
Cookbook design by Studio-e

“I just spent the last 45 minutes reading the cookbook, and BOY am I impressed. I love everything from the background info on GG, the font selection, page graphics, photos, tips and mostly the recipes! sign me up for 5 more copies”

Spread the Word

If you work as a financial adviser, estate planner, or attorney, please highlight Gaining Ground as a worthy charitable organization to your clients. Or, if you know of a family foundation that would be interested in our work for hunger relief and community service, please tell them about us.